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Personal Trainer Kari Meiser

Customized Coaching 

1:1 coaching is designed to be a transformational journey. 

All the programs you’ll follow are fully tailored to your goals, body, struggles and lifestyle. We will provide you with all the tools we possibly can to help you succeed, including consistent personal support, guidance and accountability. 

Your goals are my goals!

What’s included?

Full app access through KAMfit Trainerize App:

Aka your pocket accountability partner. You will receive an invite to this app and access included in your coaching investment!

Here is where you will find your:

  • Workouts

  • Macros, meal plans, recipe guides 

  • Habit tracking

  • Goal tracking

  • Progress tracking: photos, weight, and measurements

  • Messaging with your coach, KAMfit fam group chat

The app will send you reminders and notifications to keep you on track daily.

Customized Workout Guides that include:

  • Warmup routine

  • Sets, reps, rest time

  • Form videos and break down for every exercise 

  • “Follow along” structure for every workout 

  • Form evaluation: send me videos of any and all exercises and I will give you pointers and corrective advice 

  • Endless amount of adjustments and additions. Ex: if you are on vacation or staying home for a week I will provide adjusted workouts or home workouts in place of your normal routine.

    My goal is for you to feel confident in each exercise before you even start! Programs will be adjusted as needed and each phase will last 4-6 weeks. 

    Customized Nutrition Guides:

  • designed to fit your taste, lifestyle and physique goals. You will be assigned one of the following for each phase:

    • Meal plan 

    • Flexible recipe guide 

    • Macro tracking guide with recipes

    The style of your nutrition guide will be based on what we decide together is realistic, enjoyable, and suitable for your goals. Programs will be adjusted and refreshed as needed.

    Healthy lifestyle tasks:

    Each week you will be assigned tasks specifically made for YOU and the goals we have set together for your mindset and lifestyle. Examples:

    • Morning gratitude list

    • “No phone day” 

    • Social media detox

    • Nighttime stretching and reading

    And many, many more.  We’ll use the habit stacking method which means I will help you set these goals, explain how to effectively work towards them, hold you accountable weekly, and ensure you’ve created a successful habit before adding another. We will work hand in hand to ensure you stick to your goals and transform your mindset, confidence, and productivity. 

    Layers upon layers of accountability and support:

    • Weekly check-ins via Trainerize messaging every Monday. 

    • Unlimited coaching calls: Your coach will prompt you to schedule a mandatory coaching call every two weeks. You are welcome to schedule additional sessions as needed through my ongoing call link provided. 

    • Unlimited messaging with your coach via Trainerize messaging. Response time is 24 hrs Monday-Friday. We want to give you our FULL attention so the response may take anywhere from 1hr-24 hours max. If you need a quick response, feel free to text your coach (number provided when you begin your journey) 

    • “Mindful Mondays” with the Kamfitfam! You will be added to a group chat within Trainerize where we talk about a specific topic every Monday, encourage each other, and share wins, struggles, and questions. 

    • Daily reminders and notifications from the app to keep you on track with your goals

    How long will I be working with a coach?

    Coaching sign ups run in 6 month increments. We reassess at the end of that time to ensure you are fully equipped to continue your new lifestyle independently. This is a long term journey and it’s important to remember these are skills, knowledge, and results that will last a lifetime. Yes, life will throw you curveballs and busy seasons within this time span, we are here to support you through all the highs and lows along the way! It is essential that we are allowing you enough time to find routines that work for you, abandon old habits and build new ones, produce results, and learn how to sustain them on your own. 

    The investment and expectations:

    This will be discussed on our opportunity call, we will go over your investment and expectations of me, as well as mine for you. 

Before and After Photos

before and after bikini

Get Started!

The Process is Simple

Step 1


Apply for coaching by clicking here and completing the form below.

Provide a brief message explaining what your primary goals and struggles are.

We’ll book a 10 minute phone call or I will send you an email assessment to see if we’re a good fit for each other. 

Step 2


From here I will direct you to the program best fit for you OR create a program to suit your lifestyle and goals. I’ll be with you every step of the way, tracking progress and holding you accountable. 

Step 3


You’ll begin to conquer the mental and physical battles you’ve struggled with in the past and become a healthier, happier, more confident YOU. 

Apply Now!