Hey queen,

Allow this poem to awaken the sun of your soul: joy. 


Imagine how the world would change if we awakened to joy

A joy that holds it all

Even the ugly, the painful, the absolute downfalls


Imagine a joy that’s not slipping in and out

But one that carries the weight when your strength lets you down


We are made with a never ending flow built into our bones

So why does joy feel so foreign, instead of close to home?


Because we did stray away

We played with possibility until it got carried away

And now all the devices are here to stay

Its up to us to create a clearing for the joy we’ve carried since the very first day


Joy is the sun in our soul

The warmth in our hearts

And somewhere along the line we 

Dimmed dimmed dimmed

Until it went dark 


Casting shadows are the pressure, the perceptions the fearful projections

All case onto us out of pain

So we took on the idea that shining too bright is not safe


Fit in – Belong – Be liked

Wake – Be busy – Repeat

Enjoy – But not too much – Or you’re not enough


I believe that evil will twist the truth before our eyes

And laugh as our own power becomes our demise 


But it’s not too late

Because we’ve always been the sun

And shining bright IS safe

Let the shadows fade away

As your play lights up the day

With the original joy that will always remain 




If so, my “Grow with Fun & Flow Challenge” is the perfect space to begin. Within this experience you’ll learn and implement my signature methodology and use fun as a tool for rapid growth. The next round begins in September!

The Hey Queen Blog

A collective of soulful stories and encouraging letters written to anchor women with big dreams into the joy

of today while inspiring tomorrow!


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